Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Mock Test for AIPGMEE Preparation - Check Your Preparation Level

Most of the PG medical entrance exams are based in MCQ's format. So it is important to practice MCQs, mock tests and question papers as much as you can to check your preparation level. To check your preparation solve this mock test paper:

1.    In a girl with galactorrhea, the most commonly associated finding is:
(A)    Inferior bitemporal hemianopia
(B)    Bitemporal hemianopia
(C)    Superior bitemporal hemianopia
(D)    Unilateral nasal hemianopia

2.    Most common cause of Ashermann syndrome is:
(A)    TB
(B)    Currettage done for H mole .
(C)    PCOD
(D)    Curettage done for abortion.

3.    Fetal bradycardia is said when baseline fetal heart rate is:
(A)    Less than 110 beats per minute
(B)    Less than 160 beats per minute
(C)    Less than 100 beats per minute
(D)    Less than 90 beats per minute

4.    Most common chromosome involved in breast cancer is:
(A)    13q
(B)    13p
(C)    17q
(D)    17p

5.    Testicular feminization syndrome is characterized by all of the following, except:
(A)    Primary amenorrhea with absent uterus, normal breasts and scant pubic hair
(B)    Both Wolffian duct structures and Mullerian duct structures do not develop in such individuals
(C)    The condition is inherited through the mothers
(D)    Ovaries are found in the abdomen or in the inguinal canal

Check the answers here.

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